Dear OVV Friends and Family,
I can’t quite believe it, but the 2022 academic year is almost over. In just a few short weeks, OVV’s classes will end for the summer and six of our students will graduate and enter mainstream schools. (
This year’s graduates are an impressive bunch. Ranging in age from four to eight years old, they each possess their own unique gifts and personalities and have proven themselves ready to tackle the next phase of their educational journeys. While we are more than a little heartbroken to see them go, we are thrilled to see what extraordinary things they will accomplish in the months and years ahead.
Soon after graduation, at the start of June, we’ll reconvene for Summer School and Alumni Summer Camp, both important facets of our program. Summer School provides current OVV children with intensive therapy so they can continue to close the speech gap year-round and gives incoming children a chance to acclimate to our unique learning environment. Alumni Summer Camp, on the other hand, is all about fun: broken into two sections, one for younger alumni and one for older alumni, it offers camp-goers a chance to make crafts, explore the outdoors, and go on field trips.
In other words, summers at Ohio Valley Voices mean hard work but plenty of play too. I, for one, look forward to seeing our kids’ faces light up with the reinvigorated sense of adventure and curiosity that warmer temperatures and brighter days bring.
Congrats to the OVV Class of 2022! It’s going to be a fabulous summer!
With joy,