From Maria’s Desk – January 2021

Dear Ohio Valley Voices Friends and Family,

Happy New Year! We made it to 2021!

I am so outstandingly proud of Ohio Valley Voices and the role each of you played in continuing the listening and spoken language services provided to our children. Maybe you are a parent who shifted to virtual therapy to a hybrid and then back again to on-site services, or you are one of the teaching staff and audiologists who came to work every day with an unbelievable commitment to these children’s future. Maybe you are part of the administrative staff who spent hours planning and planning again to ensure that the children received services and our community stayed safe and healthy or a member of the Board of Trustees who continues to plan strategically for Ohio Valley Voices’ future. Maybe you are one of our alumni and alumni families that spoke on our behalf to potential funders or one of our supporters that have redoubled your effort and given even more of their time, talent, and treasurers during this difficult time. Whoever you are, your hard work did not go unnoticed.

To you all: Thank you and job well done.

As we reopen OVV after a long winter break, we return rejuvenated and prepared to face the challenges that lay ahead. We are on the other side of this mountain, but that doesn’t mean the journey is over.  The vaccine is around the corner, so we can now begin to plan for the 2021-2022 school year. It will be different, the coming year. But I know it will be better than it has ever been before because we are stronger and more capable for having been through this struggle together and achieving our goals.

With hope,

